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  • Bahasa Indonesia

Speech of The Dean


On a good occasion and Insyaallah full of blessings, I invite to all academic staff to praise and thanks for being present of all Mighty God (Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala) through his blessing and mercy that guide us in kindness. 

Since 2016, Universitas Mecu Buana has improve the quality and level to be A good private University that accredited “A” Level. We are very proud and happy with the assessment result that given by National Higher Education accreditation agency (BAN-PT).

Universitas Mercu Buana also accredited “A” level, this achievement become our stimulation to facing the challenge that need to be brave and hard work in order to maintain the quality all of time in terms of facility, teaching and learning as well as services.

Moreover, this accreditation should be improve our energy to be a best University in Indonesia through the higher accreditation which is International Accreditation.

It is very important to Universitas Mercu Buana due to higher education has a responsibility based on Undang-Undang No.12 Tahun 2012, where the higher education has a responsibility to  in terms of improvement of Indonesia civilization.

That trusteeship means, Universitas Mercu Buana should be increased its quality, improve knowledge, increase the product innovation. Those aspect be a reference of the university performance.


In the next, that achievement must have a contribution and benefit to the science and human civilization especially Indonesia. Therefore, International Accreditation must be faced to achieve upholding and mandate carried.

Universitas Mercu Buana believe that through supporting from the society, industries, academic staff, researchers and government that goals/purpose will be realized. May allah SWT blessing, Amin.

Dr. Ir. Mawardi Amin, MT