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Faculty of Engineering Structural Work Space

The office of the Faculty Leader (Dean, Assistant Dean of the Study Program and Secretariat) is provided specifically and well in the 1st Floor of Engineering Building B, with various facilities needed.

Lecturer Work Room

For the smooth implementation of educational tasks in each faculty and department, there is also a special work space for permanent lecturers. The space is provided in AD-2012 Building, AD-202 and BD 201. And in the Faculty Building and arranged in one unit of the faculty workspace, such as the work space of Civil Engineering Study Program, Architecture Study Program, Industrial Engineering Study Program, Mechanical Engineering Study Program , the work room of Electrical Engineering Study Program,

Workspace of Education Personnel

Employees’ work rooms are provided and arranged according to work units in Mercu Buana University, such as: Public Administration Bureau workspace, Financial Administration Bureau workspace, Academic Administration Bureau workspace, Student Administration Bureau workspace, Head and Staff workspace Library, workspace of the Head of Research and Development Institution, Special Workspace of Household Section, special workspace of the Chancellor’s Secretary and Assistant Chancellor.

Meeting Room and Waiting Room

The Faculty of Engineering Meeting Room is prepared and arranged in accordance with Structural capacities in the Faculty of Engineering

Laboratory Room