Posisi 14 Feb 2014 : 9.450 Halaman Elektronik

Inilah pencapaian jumlah publikasi halaman elektronik situs Fakultas Teknik Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, beserta seluruh sub domainnya, pada tanggal 14 Februari 2014.

Perencanaan Kebutuhan Material (MRP) dengan Menggunakan Teknik LOT Sizing Pada Bahan Baku Brispack J Varnish

Sonny Koeswara, Resa Taruna Husada (Program Studi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta) E-mail : [email protected] , [email protected]



Di dalam perusahaan manufaktur ada bagian perencanaan dan pengendalian produksi yang mengatur proses produksi. Proses produksi adalah proses pembuatan bahan baku menjadi produk jadi. Dalam proses produksi diperlukan adanya persediaan bahan baku. Persediaan adalah bahan atau barang yang disimpan, yang akan digunakan untuk memenuhi tujuan tertentu. Misalnya akan digunakan dalam proses produksi.

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Automatic Mains Failure Berbasis PLC

Badaruddin, Agus Suwendi Priyambodo (Program Studi Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta)


Dunia industri, telekomunikasi, gedung dan perkantoran tidak terlepas dari energi listrik. Semua proses kegiatan tidak lepas dari energi listrik. Seiring dengan menurunnya kemampuan PLN dalam menyediakan energi listrik maka dibutuhkan power backup yang handal. Genset (Generator Set) adalah salah satu pilihan, maka dibutuhan sistem otomasi yang handal untuk pengontrolannya.

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Analisa Kegagalan Desain Komponen Element Cover (Elco) Oil Filter Dengan Metode FMEA

Muhammad Kholil, Erry Rimawan ( Program Studi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta, E-mail : [email protected] )


Filter oli terdiri dari berbagai macam komponen dan diantaranya adalah elco. Kadangkalanya komponen tersebut mengalami kegagalan desain. Dari bermacam-macam bentuk kegagalan yang berasal dari klaim pelanggan yang terangkum dalam rekaman klaim pelanggan, ada yang memerlukan perhatian serius, yaitu potensi kegagalan yang dominan.

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Instagram For PC – Download Instagram For Windows & Mac

Numerous person to person communication destinations utilize photograph based systems administration tor a more prominent fan following. In spite of the fact that, Instagram has been a general most loved among cell phone clients, a great deal of its fans are all the more frequently sitting behind PCs. In any case, shockingly, the designers don’t demonstrate any unmistakable fascination for an authority Instagram App for PC.

Instagram is thought to be an occurrence informal communication application and its PC variant has been anticipated since long. The free cell phone application, lets the user  to take pictures and recordings and to alter them utilizing different innovative instruments and channels, before sharing them. There is no official application for Use Instagram for PC, thought Instagram has a site for review posts and substance. The site can’t enable its clients to transfer or spare any such substance. The main intends to chip away at this issue is to utilize an Android emulator to change over Instagram Android application for  use on a PC.

What are the highlights of Instagram for PC?

Sharing Photos: for sharing pictures on instagram from the PC, the picture is chosen from the envelope and is altered by utilizing Instagram’s stunning assortment of channels.

Channels: all the novel channels accessible on the cell phones are likewise accessible while utilizing Instagram for PC to improve the nature of the picture.

Greater screen: the bigger screen gave better determination and a simple domain for posting content.

How to download Instagram for PC?

Here are some simple strides to take after for introducing Instagram for PC.

As a matter of first importance, an Android emulator is expected to make an Android situation on the PC. The best and most normally utilized Android emulator is the BlueStacks Android Emulator. It can be downloaded from its official site with no obstacles.

  • In the wake of downloading and introducing BlueStacks, Instagram application is hunt down in the inquiry alternative. The fitting alternative is picked.
  • The Instagram application is then downloaded and introduced.
  • Sign In for Instagram for PC

After effectively introducing Instagram on Windows Download, a login for Instagram for PC is required. At the season of joining, a few points of interest of the client are to be filled on the web. Spy Checker When this is done, another record or profile opens up where the client can do adjustments, post pictures and recordings and specifically visit over the informing administration.


As there is a blast in the quantity of clients needing to utilize Instagram from their PCs, the Instagram for PC utilizing an Android emulator, makes their work simple. The work area rendition has an indistinguishable highlights from that of the cell phone application.